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Contact Us

Questions or comments? Contact us at one of the methods below and we will be happy to help you. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm.

Franklin Financial Group, LLC, a HUB International company
11019 McCormick Road, Suite 110
Hunt Valley, Maryland 21031
Local: 443-391-9100

My question/comment is:
Street address
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal Code
Work Phone
Home Phone
Tell us what you would like to know more about…
Updating your beneficiary arrangements
Social Security benefits
Benefits available at retirement
Estate analysis: how to match present assets to help achieve future goals
Additional protection for yourself
      Your spouse
      Your children
Ways to minimize taxes on your estate
Disability income insurance-protection against income loss due to accident or illness
Business insurance for sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations
Pension and profit-sharing plans
Since you last reviewed your financial situation, have you…(answer each with a yes/no “button”)
Bought a new home?
Been promoted?
Changed jobs?
Started a new business?
Expanded an existing business?
Acquired additional life insurance?
Changed marital status?
Had or are expecting a new child?
Any other questions/comments?…